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The Qatar peninsula is formed by a large, broad anticline which exposes a carapace of Eocene limestones, rising in the interior to a maximum elevation of only 60 m. The oldest sediments exposed in Qatar are of Lower Eocene age. In the south occur small hills composed of Miocene sediments. Devonian through Paleogene formations have been identified and correlated in deep wells drilled on the peninsula and offshore by the Qatar Petroleum Company (Q.P.C.) and other joint ventures.

The system of rock unit terminology described in the Lexicon evolved over a period of many decades by geologists of Q.P.C. and during the compilation and updates of the Le Lexique Stratigraphique de Qatar by W. Sugden, A.J. Standring and C. Cavelier, 1975, Paris, vol. III, Asie, Fascicule 10b3, 120 pp.



CENOZOIC entries and images were provided by Jacques LeBlanc based on his:
Stratigraphic Lexicon: A revised guide to the Cenozoic Surface Formations of Qatar, Middle East (excluding the islands). By Jacques LeBlanc, 2021, Biosis: Biological Systems, vol. 2/4, 361-407.
The author learned first-hand about the surface stratigraphy and geology of Qatar by dedicating most of his weekends to conducting field works and public-guided field tours from 2007 to 2020 while employed by Qatar Petroleum. In his monograph, he reviews and updates the surface stratigraphic knowledge of Qatar since the last lexicon was published back in 1975.



Jaques Le Blanc

Jacques Le Blanc


PALEOZOIC-MESOZOIC entries are mainly transcribed and translated from Le Lexique Stratigraphique de Qatar by Jacques LeBlanc and Prof. Bruno Granier (Université de Bretagne Occidentale). The full translated Stratigraphic Lexicon of Qatar with additional color graphics and regional correlation diagrams is available at:


Bruno Granier


The team to bring the Lexicon online:

* Jacques LeBlanc, translator and compiler of stratigraphic units
* Bruno Granier, translator and compiler of stratigraphic units
* O’Neil Mamallapalli, converting to Lexicon format and uploading to website, creating a TSCreator datapack
* Gabi Ogg, drafting of stratigraphic columns and hotlinks for the lexicon interface
* Lexicon compilation and programming team (see About in https://geolex.org)